Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pumpkin's First Day of Swim Lessons

Ahhhh. We got through the first day of swim lessons yesterday and it was so much fun!! I was going to put him in swim lessons last year when he was about 14 months but then we moved to the valley and that was then end of that. I'm kind of wishing I had still done it though.

Anyway - it was interesting. Alejandro immediately wanted to get in the water when he saw it. But of course we had to wait for the instructor to call attendance and go over some rules but our son would just not hear it!! He wanted to get in the water...and NOW!! He started pitching a fit and I had to step back so the other parents could hear. After a little scolding he finally calmed down and in we went!! He started giggling the minute he got in.

He did great! We blew bubbles (which freaked him out when he took some water in) then we did some kicking exercises with some kick boards and he loved it all. The one thing he would NOT do was float on his back with me holding him. Nope. He just wouldn't have it. But all in all it was a fun experience. He came home starving after 45 minutes in the pool. It was the perfect end to our day. And to think - we have 9 more lessons to go!! There will be pics later but I need someone to come with us to snap a few since I'm in the water with him. I think abuelo and abuela are coming one of these days - but then I need to teach one of them how to use the digital camera and that is another post in itself.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What a Crazy Weekend!!

What a Crazy Weekend!!

Well this weekend was tiring and fun. Well, tiring on Saturday and fun on Sunday. Whew!! Saturday my mom, Alejandro, my niece and myself took off for some Saturday shopping while we left Paul at home to rest. Poor Paul - he's had a really rough and discouraging work week. But we're hoping for a better week this week!

Anyway - went shopping, got my hair done and then went to a crazy "loteria" or bingo type of gathering. Not my cup of tea, really. I was so mad. This is not my scene first of all but I did it as a favor for a friend. Well - it was outside, the bingo cards were $20 each and the prizes were - at most - jewelery that looked as if you got it out of a candy machine. Plus the family that was hosting it was charging for water and soda!! Ugh! I won nothing and was so glad to get out of there. But I smiled the whole time!! ;)

Sunday was sooooo much better. I had to skip mass because I was so worn out from Saturday. Paul bathed the dogs and washed the car with Alejandro by his side while we were off to a baby shower hosted by my sister-in-law Patty and my friends Ashley and Jennifer. It was a great turn out. We had fun playing games and eating yummy food. Now we are really anxious to meet the newest member of the family! I even think Alejandro is ready.

We had three other pregnant chickies there. My old college friend Celina, my coworker Caro and my cousin Marissa. Caro is due five days before me, Celina is due three days before me and Marissa a month after me. And we are all having boys!! I'll post pics soon!

At this point I have no idea what is going on. My ob/gyn called and said she wanted me to deleiver in Corpus and they referred me to a doc over there and the new doc was supposed to call me last week to set up an appoinment - nothing. My doctor's nurse called once and I called twice and nothing! I was frustrated. So my cardiologist said he would get on the ball and set up an appointment for me. If that doesn't happen by Monday, a friend of mine from Corpus has given me some other names to try. Soon, hopefully I will know who is delivering this child and when. Who knows - maybe he will take us all by surprise and show up in Brownsville on his own time!! Only time will tell...