Monday, May 18, 2009

What am I doing??

So I've decided to start a blog. I really don't know what the heck I'm doing but I guess you guys will just have to be patient with me as I blog my little heart away.

The main reason I started this blog is so I can keep everybody updated on what our family is up to in Brownsville. Since we've left Taylor and the Austin area we've had some MAJOR adjustments. We miss our home in Taylor but are really excited to FINALLY begin our new life in Brownsville.

At first Paul and I had decided that we would settle in Harlingen but when we found out that our second baby would be born with a Congenital Heart Defect we thought it would be best to stay closer to family...and by close I mean 10 minutes away!! We should be closing on the house on 6/19...God willing. In the meantime we've been staying with my parents and while we are TRULY grateful for the roof that we have over our heads...well...we're just ready for a roof of our own again. And I can guarantee that my parents will miss Alejandro and nothing else - especially our dogs!! Ha ha!!

Besides the house, Paul is in the process of trying to get into a bulk sales route position with Pepsi. If if he does get it, the route is located in Brownsville and South Padre!! A BIG plus!! Big!! We're praying and keeping our fingers crossed.

Alejandro (our pumpkin) is growing so fast before our eyes. He is the joy in our lives. He surprises us with his little antics every single day!! He talks a lot and is talking more each day. He loves both sets of grandparents and adores his cousins!! He doesn't get to see his cousins in the Austin area that much but he loves hanging with his cousins A.J. and Emma in Brownsville. The newest things that he is saying right now are, "I so happy" (along with a hug) and "I'm mad". The "I'm mad" part cracks us up but we can't tell him that!! We're also having problems potty training him. He basically just does not want to. We'll work on that later. He is also somewhat clueless (or just doesn't care) about his new baby brother due in 9 weeks!!

Our newest addition, Joaquin, is due on 7/20. Things have been going soooooo fast and all of a sudden I feel as if they have slowed down. As most of you know, Joaquin will be born with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrom with VSD or - Tricuspid Atresia. Finidng this out so early in the pregnancy felt like the wind was knocked out of me. Partly b/c we didn't know exactly what was wrong until I was about 22 weeks or so. At one point we thought this child would either die in utero or not live past a year. It was heartwrenching for Paul and I but we've managed to get stronger each and every day!!

Now that we know what he has and that he has no chromosomal defects we are almost prepared to go on this long journey. It will be difficult. He will require 3 surgeries before the age of 2 - two of which will be open heart. Sometimes I wonder if I can handle all of this - but I have no choice, I absolutely HAVE to handle all of this...and we will.


  1. Girl, I asm so glad that you started this so I can feel close to you... YOU WILL HANDLE IT BECAUSE THAT IS ALL YOU KNOW TO BE!! I am there in spirit.. Lots o' love.. Midge!!

  2. Midge!!!! I am so glad to hear from you!! I miss you tremendously!! All my love, girlfriend!

  3. Glad to see you are on here! It's such a great way to keep up with everyone. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
